Pension schemes
The assets of the pension schemes in which the Group participates are generally held under trust, separate from the assets of the Group and are invested with a number of independent fund managers. There are six Trustee Directors for the principal Stagecoach Group Pension Scheme, two of which are employee representatives nominated by the members on a regional basis, and one is an Independent Professional Trustee. The other Trustee Directors, including the Chair, are employer appointed and include senior Group executives.
The Board periodically considers matters affecting the Group’s pension schemes from the perspective of the Group’s shareholders and other stakeholders. The Board and/or its Committees review pension scheme funding, investment strategy, risk management and internal controls surrounding pension matters.
The Group also operates a defined contribution plan for all eligible employees under a master trust arrangement provided by Standard Life (part of the Phoenix Group).
Disclosure of information
The Stagecoach Group Pension Scheme is, from 5 December 2024, made up of one “Main” Section and is ordinarily closed to new members, and to future accrual other than for a residue of legacy active members within two London operating companies.
A number of members chose to boost their pension savings during active membership by making Additional Voluntary Contributions to the scheme. In compliance with Regulation 23 of the Occupational Pension Schemes (Scheme Administration) Regulations 1996 the Trustees’ Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements includes a Chair’s Statement setting out information in relation to the governance standards applicable to Money Purchase schemes, including Additional Voluntary Contribution schemes.
The Chair’s Statement for the Stagecoach Group Pension Scheme year ending 30 April 2024 can be found here, and the Statement of Investment Principles for the Main Section can be found here. The Trustees’ 2024 Implementation Statement for the scheme can be found here.
The Trustees’ second Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Report, for the year ending 30 April 2024, can be found here.