What are the benefits of a concessionary bus pass?
Free bus travel!
- The English National Concessionary Travel Scheme provides free travel on local bus services anywhere in England, between 0930 and 2300 during weekdays and anytime during weekends and bank holidays.
- The National Entitlement card scheme provides free travel on registered local and long-distance bus services throughout Scotland, at any time of day for any number of journeys, for those aged 60 and over, as well as for eligible disabled people who live in Scotland.
- Your Concessionary Travel Card is valid on all eligible bus services that operate in Wales, including those commencing/terminating at points adjacent to Wales, provided that the cross-boundary journey doesn't involve a change of bus in England. You can also use selected rail services operating in Wales.
How do I use my concessionary bus pass?
Once you've received your concessionary bus pass, you can use it immediately. First, show your bus pass to the driver, then hold it against the reader on the ticket machine, just like you do with a bank card. Wait for the green light or listen for a beep - remove your pass, take your receipt (if in Scotland or Wales you will no longer receive a receipt), and choose your seat for your free ride!
If you need extra help you may also be eligible for a journey assistance card.
Can I take my grandchildren out with me using my concessionary bus pass?
Children under 5 travel for free on our services and must be with an adult. Children over the age of 5 will require a child ticket to travel on our services.
Check our ticket finder tool to find out prices in advance of travelling.
If you live in Scotland, there is free travel under 22s scheme available for young people and children aged 5-21 years old.
If you live in Wales, there is a mytravelpass scheme available for young people aged 16-21 years old giving a 33% discount on travel
What do I do if I lose my concessionary bus pass?
If you lose your pass, you’ll need to contact the local council that issued it to you for a replacement. Unfortunately, we’re not able to give you free travel if you don’t have your concessionary or disability bus pass with you.
How do I renew my concessionary bus pass?
If your English concessionary bus pass needs to be renewed, it's usually reissued by your local council automatically, if it has been used regularly and within the last 12 months. If it is not automatically renewed you will need to get in touch with your local council.
If your Welsh concessionary bus pass needs to be renewed you will need to contact Transport for Wales to apply for a renewal.
If your Scottish NEC needs to be renewed you will need to contact MyGov Scotland to apply for a renewal.
What concessionary travel pass is available if you're not over 60?
A disability bus pass allows the card holder to travel for free of charge on most Stagecoach buses
What concessionary travel pass is available to you if you live in London?
If you're over 60 and live in London, then you can get free travel on buses, trains and other forms of transport in and around London with a 60+ London Oyster Photocard. A Freedom Pass provides Londoners over the age of 66 and those with eligible disabilities free public transport across the capital and on local buses across England.
Questions around accessibility and our buses? See our full FAQs for accessible travel with Stagecoach.