Other flexible tickets available
We also have Flexi5 tickets, you get 5 day tickets for the price of 4 - saving 20%!
These are available across all our travel zones Flexi5 bus tickets
Valid for 10 single trips, any time any day within a 3 month period from the start date.
For mobile tickets:
You can activate each of the 10 tickets when you want to use it.
X24 10 Trip Tickets - The ticket remains on your phone for 60 mins.
Cwmbran 10 Trip Tickets - The ticket remains on your phone for 15 minutes.
Once purchased it must be used (Activated) within 3 months or it will be invalid.
Sorry, no refunds, so please check before you purchase, that you have the right Mobile Phone Ticket and it is your responsibility to ensure your phone battery has enough power to last your journey(s) - as no power means no visible ticket, and travel will be refused, unless you pay again with cash.
* Young person aged 16 - 21 must show a valid mytravelpass card.
Click to apply for your free card 'mytravelpass'
**Prices are compared to buying 10 single tickets, adult (£4.00) and child (£2.60)