Cirencester College Tickets Available
Academic Year StudentRider
The cheapest way to travel by bus to Cirencester College is to purchase an Academic Year StudentRider.
This will allow you to enjoy unlimited travel on Stagecoach West bus services in Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Swindon, Wiltshire, South Gloucestershire, Oxfordshire and Bristol for the duration of your college year.
This ticket is £799.
Buy your Academic Year StudentRider
7-Day tickets
Our 7-Day MegaRider West Gold ticket covers you for unlimited travel on all Stagecoach West bus services.
This ticket is available to purchase on the Stagecoach Bus App or on bus for £23.50.
Buy your 7-Day MegaRider
DayRider tickets
Our West Gold DayRider ticket covers you for unlimited travel on all Stagecoach West bus services.
This ticket is available to purchase on the Stagecoach Bus App or on bus for £6.75.
Download the Stagecoach Bus App
Terms & Conditions for Cirencester Student Tickets
Please carefully check our Terms & Conditions before making your purchase. Note that our Cirencester College Academic Year ticket is available only to genuine students attending the College.
To prove eligibility for an Academic Year ticket we will share sales data with Cirencester College. Sales that cannot be identified as Cirencester College students will be cancelled.
If we agree to cancel an activated ticket, we will refund the residual ticket value based on a pro-rata calculation of the price paid and the period of time remaining by reference to the data the refund is requested or last date of use. A cancellation charge of £15 will be applied to all refunds.
Please note, the national £2 capped fare does not apply on Cirencester College bus routes.