We’re pleased to announce our new partnerships with four national charities as part of our pledge to support the communities we serve. We’re also launching a new initiative, Stagecoach - Giving for Good, to support our ongoing commitment to donate 0.5% of our pre-tax profits every year to charitable causes.
Our national charity partners are:
Missing People a national charity that offers support to missing children and adults, and their loved ones.
The Trussell Trust who support a nationwide network of food bank centres to provide emergency food and support to people locked in poverty, and campaign for change to end the need for food banks in the UK.
Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity providing specialist nurses and support for seriously ill children.
Happy Days who help terminally ill, sick, disabled and abused children and young carers with respite breaks, holidays and day trips.
We’ve chosen these four charities to represent the key themes that we’re committed to supporting; Promoting health and wellbeing, supporting young people, skills and employment, addressing loneliness and social isolation and increasing accessibility and opportunity.
Our Sustainability Strategy, which we launched in summer 2021, sets out our vision to use the power of public transport to create better places to work and live. During our 42-year history, we’ve played a key role in supporting the communities we serve and sharing success with local people and communities by funding the work of local, national and international charities.
As part of our new strategy, we’ve pledged to partner with charities to create improvements and developments for the communities we serve. These partnerships will help raise awareness of the charities internally and externally and support the charities in the work they do.
As well as partnering with our four chosen charities, we've committed to supporting local charities via our Community Fund. Applications are now open on the Stagecoach website for charities to apply for support either with time, resource, donations or sponsorship from both the central Giving for Good Initiative or via their local operating company.
More information on our Giving for Good Charity Committee.