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Autonomous Bus Trial

30 Jan 2023

We’ve successfully transported the first group of passengers on our autonomous bus!

Our fleet will be the first registered full-sized autonomous buses, made up of five vehicles, which will travel a 14-mile route. The route will go across the iconic Forth Road Bridge from Ferrytoll Park & Ride in Fife to Edinburgh Park Transport Interchange. 

Group of passengers standing in front of a Stagecoach autonomous bus

The service will run on a frequent timetable with the capacity for around 10,000 journeys per week.

Our first passengers came from the Co-Design Panel, a diverse group of local bus users who volunteer to help us and our project partners design what the autonomous service should look like. They offered feedback and advice to improve the trial, and have been a part of the testing process.

The autonomous bus project was partially funded by the UK Government’s Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles.
For more information, read our press release.

Man waving down a bus