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Stagecoach in South Wales driver raises money for Diabetes UK

27 Sep 2019

 Allison Jones a Stagecoach driver from Porth depot swam over 22 miles as part of the ‘swim 22’ challenge to raise money for Diabetes UK. Allison set up a just giving page and raised over £230 which the company agreed to match fund. The final amount raised was almost £500.

Allison chose to get involved with the Diabetes challenge because the charity is close to her heart and she is thrilled that Stagecoach could support her with her fundraising.

Diabetes UK campaigns for improvements in the care and treatment of people with diabetes. Their aim is to prevent Type 2 diabetes and support everyone affected by diabetes as well as fund research that will one day lead to a cure.

Myrrick Jones, Operations Manager for Porth depot said: “This is a fantastic achievement.  Allison has done us proud by swimming over 22 miles and fundraising for such a worthwhile cause. We try to support any charitable activity that involves our staff whether this is for local charities or good causes in the local communities.”

Both the Operations and Assistant Operations Managers for Perth depot joined Allison for a photo alongside Joseph Cuff from Diabetes UK Cymric who congratulated Allison and awarded her a plaque for her efforts.