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Commuters Choose Bus for Health and Clean Air

04 Jul 2019

Stagecoach West Scotland and Transform Scotland teamed up to promote their new campaign, #lovemybus, at #CleanAirDay in Glasgow.
The #lovemybus campaign is making the links between choosing bus and better health. The campaign is encouraging commuters from Kilmarnock and Ayr to Glasgow to choose the express bus for their daily journey, for better health for themselves, their communities and the planet. Six 'Campaign Champions' will be sharing their #lovemybus stories, with free travel and other benefits as a reward.
Choosing to use the bus can reduce congestion, air pollution, climate emissions and maintain good health. Walking, or cycling, to the bus stop as part of the daily commute can help achieve recommended levels of activity, protect against major disease and increase life expectancy.
Professor Adrian Davis, Professor of Transport and Health at Napier University, who is acting as adviser to the campaign said:
“A lack of physical activity contributes to nearly 2,500 deaths in Scotland and costs the NHS around £91 million per year and imposes major costs on the economy. This large disease burden from chronic and preventable diseases also reduces quality of life.
"Efforts to increase bus and train usage may not only decrease road congestion and decrease air pollution but may have the added health benefit of increasing the proportion of adults who obtain 30 minutes of daily physical activity.
"Walking as part of the commute has been suggested as a source of healthful moderate activity, as it is widely recognised that regular walking protects against a range of major diseases.”
Stagecoach West Scotland Managing Director Fiona Doherty said:
"Stagecoach is delighted to support the Clean Air Day campaign on 20th June. Currently buses omit four times less grams per passenger kilometre than the average petrol or diesel car and with each double decker bus able to take up to 80 cars off the road buses have the potential to massively reduce congestion and improve air quality.
"Stagecoach West Scotland have invested in a number of Euro 6 buses and coaches over the past few years including Plaxton Panorama double deck coaches, the first of their kind in the UK. Following the introduction of the Low Emission Zone in Glasgow in December 2018, NOx levels have fallen significantly, and while the current standard requires 20% of our vehicle journeys to comply we already have a compliance level of 75%.
"We are proud to be leading the way in cleaner air for our towns and cities and hope that events like this encourage more people to use the bus and improve congestion and their environmental footprint.”
Transform Scotland spokesperson Jess Pepper said:
“Every day choices, like choosing to use the bus instead of the car to commute, can make huge differences to reducing air pollution, reducing emissions causing climate change as well as improving our own health and quality of life.
"We look forward to working with our Campaign Champions to hear how using the bus improves their daily lives. So far we are hearing how taking the bus makes their journey more relaxing, gives access to new opportunities and time to enjoy Ayrshire sunsets!”


Love my bus teal