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Changes to bus fares from 1 March 22

08 Feb 2022


  • Changes reflect rising costs of running bus services
  • First increases in over 2 years


Stagecoach Yorkshire has confirmed changes to bus fares from Tuesday 1 March.

Discounts will be available for tickets bought online or on app rather than on bus. New Flexi tickets are being introduced to reflect changing travel patterns. These tickets offer five dayriders for the price of four which can be used on any day within a month. Group tickets will now be available for up to five adults all day on any day of the week. The eveningrider ticket, allowing unlimited travel on all local Stagecoach buses after 6pm is unaltered at £2.50.

These are the first price increases made by Stagecoach Yorkshire for over two years and reflect the rising costs of running services. Since 2019, costs across the bus industry have risen by around 12%.


Phil Medlicott, Managing Director for Stagecoach Yorkshire, said: “Stagecoach has consistently delivered some of the lowest ticket prices in the country and we are committed to continuing to keep fares as low as possible for our passengers.


“Like many sectors of the economy, bus operators are seeing significant cost increases, primarily driven by increased fuel and staffing costs and the number of people using public transport is still significantly below pre-Covid levels.


This is the first time our fares have changed since January 2020, over two years, and since this time the cost of running buses has risen significantly, even with government funding to keep services running during this time.”

Single fares will generally increase by 10p or 20p whilst return fares will generally increase by 20p or 30p. The price of Chesterfield, Barnsley or Rotherham DayRiders will be £4.30 whilst the popular Silver DayRider which covers a wider area and includes travel on Supertram will be £5.20.


For full details of all new fares click here