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Park & Ride

Park & Ride

Park and Ride services in Oxfordshire

Combined parking and bus tickets are now available at a number of Park&Ride sites in Oxfordshire, including Oxford Parkway, for an easy and affordable travel option.

New combined ticket from just £4

For just £4 you can purchase a combined parking and bus ticket, which will include parking for 17 hours at the Park and Ride site and a return ticket to and from Oxford.

A rate of £4 applies for a car with only 1 adult and £5 for a car and 2 adults. With both options, up to three children under 16 can travel for free.

This reduced price offer is part of a six-month trial delivered by Oxford City Council, Oxfordshire County Council, Oxford Bus Company and Stagecoach.

Find out more about the incentive




Ways to pay

  • Via the RingGo app, tickets will be delivered electronically.
  • From one of the onsite ticket machines, physical tickets will be provided

Click for more details


Hassle free travel by car and then bus


There are plenty of parking spaces to choose from on site and the 2/2a runs up to every 10 minutes, with peak departures every 6 to 8 minutes.

When returning from the city centre, head to Magdalen St stop C1.

Plan your journey online or via the app