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SmartZone fares

Oxford SmartZone pricing information

Travel across Oxford city centre with SmartZone, the multi-operator ticketing scheme. Weekly tickets, annual tickets and multi trip tickets are available to use on Oxford Bus Company, Stagecoach and Thames Travel services.

Oxford SmartZone makes it really easy to get around Oxford, with just one ticket. Avoid having to decide between waiting longer at the bus stop or buying a new ticket; whichever bus comes along first, you can jump on.

How much does a SmartZone ticket cost?

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Ticket Name  Prices from 17th March 2024
Adult 1 week  £19 (app) /  £22 (online)
Adult 1 week (from the driver) £22 
Adult 4 week £68 (app) / £72 (online) 
Adult 13 week £191 (app) / £203 (online 
Adult Annual £770 
Adult Any 5 days £20.50 (app) / £21.50 (online)
Adult any 12 trips £23 (app) / £24.50 (online) 
Adult Auto Renewal £72 
18 & Under 1 week £14.25 (app) / £16.50 (online) 
18 & Under 4 weeks £51 (app) / £54 (online) 
18 & Under 13 weeks £143.25 (app) / £152.25 (online) 
18 & Under annual £577.50 
18 & Under Auto Renewal £54

 The above information is correct as at March 2024

How can I buy a SmartZone bus ticket?

Day tickets can be bought from the driver on the day of travel with cash or contactless.

Day, 7 day, 28 day, any 5 day, and 12 MultiTrip can be bought on the Stagecoach Bus app.

7 day, 28 day, 13 week tickets, annual and multi-trip tickets can also be loaded on to an electronic card.

If you don't have a   StagecoachSmart card , we'll send you one with your first order – this will take up to five days.

Buy your SmartZone ticket online.