Aged under 19? Looking for cheap travel?
Get unlimited travel in your local travel zone for just £4.10 a day with a local DayRider U19 ticket in Kent, or £3.20 for travel anywhere in East Sussex with an East Sussex DayRider U19. You can also travel all over Kent and East Sussex with a South East DayRider U19 for just £6.50 a day - that's over 25% cheaper than the adult versions!
Who can get one?
Anyone aged under 19 (18 years or less).
How do I get one?
On the bus (pay with cash or contactless) or on the Stagecoach Bus App - the App makes it quick and easy to buy your DayRider U19 next time, and, if you've just got paid, you can buy more than one at a time, and use them whenever you like!

When can I get one?
Available to buy all day, every day.
Where can I travel?
The £4.10 local DayRider U19 ticket is valid in your local travel zone in Kent - full travel zone maps can be viewed below.
Ashford travel zone
Canterbury travel zone
Dover travel zone
Folkestone & Hythe travel zone
Swale travel zone
Thanet travel zone
You can travel anywhere within East Sussex for £3.20 with an East Sussex DayRider U19.
The £6.50 South East DayRider U19 ticket is valid on all Stagecoach buses in Kent and East Sussex.