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28 Day MegaRider Ticket is on the Stagecoach App!


If you travel with us regularly and want to save money on your journey, why not purchase our 28 Day MegaRider ticket which are available to purchase on the Stagecoach Bus App 

 From the 21 July 2024 the 28 day tickets will not be available to buy on our website and will be on the App only.




Why you'll love our 28 Day MegaRider


  • Save money by purchasing our 28 Day MegaRider in comparison to buying four weekly tickets 
  • There's no worry of misplacing your ticket when it's securely kept in our app
  • Easily and automatically get a refund for any unused mobile tickets
  • Quickly re-book your regular journeys again with easy 'Buy again' feature
  • The app is more than just a ticket - with a simple tap, you can plan your journey and track your bus



Buy your 28 Day MegaRider ticket now 



*Daily Price based off of the price of a 28 Day MegaRider ticket divided by 28