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Derbyshire Wayfarer


Derbyshire Wayfarer

Derbyshire Wayfarer bus

This ticket is valid on all bus journeys within Derbyshire no matter who runs them. You can also use it for journeys between Derbyshire and Sheffield City Centre on direct buses.


1 Day
Buy from your driver on the bus or online at

Adult: £8

Child: £6

Group: £15.50
up to 2 adults and 3 children travelling together.


7 Days
Buy online at

Adult: £21

Child / Concession: £16


Derbyshire Wayfarer bus and train

This ticket is valid on all bus and train journeys within Derbyshire no matter who runs them. You can also use it for journeys between Derbyshire and Sheffield City Centre on direct buses and trains.


1 Day
Buy from your driver on the bus or from staffed train station ticket offices

Adult: £16

Child / Concession: £8
Concession price for holders of a Gold Card or other ENCTS pass.


For more information on Derbyshire Wayfarer and more places to buy the tickets from click here.