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Popular tickets

Flexible Tickets


Flexi 5, Flexi 10, 12 Trip and more

Flexible Stagecoach tickets (or carnets) let you to buy a discounted bundle of single or day tickets. Ideal if you only travel a couple of times a week, they can be used over a number of weeks or months (see the small print!) and so you're free to use them anytime and anywhere in your chosen ticket zone. That's why in some areas we call them Flexi Tickets!

Student Tickets


Discounted student bus passes

Students travel for less with our wide range of discounted student bus tickets. Get unlimited travel in your chosen area and use the bus for studying, getting to your part time job, going out with friends or even exploring at the weekend. To get our easy-to-use student bus passes, you’ll just need a current student ID card with a photo.

All other tickets

Singles &Return

Singles & Return

Ideal for the occasional trip

Stagecoach single and return bus tickets are great if you're an occasional traveller. You can buy single and return tickets on board from your driver. With contactless payments now available on all our buses, you don't need to worry about finding the correct change! Return tickets are not available in all areas.

Group Tickets

Group Tickets

Save with family & friends

Save on great days out with friends and family. With Small Group and Large Group day tickets, you'll be able to make as many journeys as you like in one day.

Mega Rider Xtra

MegaRider Xtra and more

Hassle-free monthly payments

MegaRider Xtra gives you unlimited bus travel using hassle-free automatic monthly payments. Payments are taken on the same date every month - so you can manage your money and don't have to remember to top up your Smartcard or buy new tickets all the time!

Single Tickets

Single Tickets

Tickets for the occasional trip

Stagecoach single bus tickets are great if you're an occasional traveller. You can buy single tickets on board from your driver (or even a local ticket agent in some areas). With contactless payments now available on all our buses, you don't need to worry about finding the correct change!

Youth Tickets

Young Person

Discounted travel for under 19s, children and students

Under 19s, children and students can save on bus travel with our range of Young person tickets. Say goodbye to depending on parents for lifts and choose the bus for extra freedom and low-cost travel. Choose between single, day, Flexi, 7-day and 28-day tickets to suit your travel needs. Valid ID is required for students and may be needed for under 19s. Discounts and tickets might differ based on your location. Please check discounts and prices specific to your area. Discounts and tickets might differ based on your location. Please check discounts and prices specific to your area

Group Tickets


Great when travelling together

Save money and get a Group day ticket for up to any 5* people travelling together. You can buy your group day tickets on our app or buy onboard with contactless or cash. *Some areas may be up to 6 people, please see specific ticket terms for more details

Mobile Tickets


Buy tickets on the Stagecoach Bus App

Say goodbye to paper tickets and hunting down the sofa to find the correct change! Buy mobile tickets safely and securely on our app and your ticket will be available to use instantly on your phone.

Student Rider


Discounted student & child bus passes

Students travel for less with our wide range of discounted student bus tickets. Get unlimited travel in your chosen area and use the bus for studying, getting to your part time job, going out with friends or even exploring at the weekend. To get our easy-to-use student bus passes, you’ll just need a current student ID card with a photo.

Term Rider


Discounted student & child bus passes

Students and children travel for less with our wide range of discounted student bus tickets. Get unlimited travel in your chosen area and use the bus for school or studying, getting to your part time job, going out with friends or even exploring at the weekend. To get our easy-to-use student bus passes, you’ll just need a current student ID card with a photo.

College Rider


Discounted student bus passes

Students travel for less with our wide range of discounted student bus tickets. Get unlimited travel in your chosen area and use the bus for studying, getting to your part time job, going out with friends or even exploring at the weekend. To get our easy-to-use student bus passes, you’ll just need a current student ID card with a photo.

Study Rider


Termly tickets for 18s & under

Our StudyRider tickets offer termly bus travel for 18 & under in Warwickshire and Northamptonshire, giving approximately 20% discount off adult passes. If you haven't already, please enter you location to see your full ticket options.

Student Tickets Surrey


Student tickets for the University of Surrey

We have a range of tickets for students attending the University of Surrey in Guildford. You can travel for a lot less with Stagecoach's student bus passes. You’ll need a current student ID card with a photo to buy a Stagecoach student ticket. The name on your ID card will need to match the name on your ticket. Discount codes (exclusive to University of Surrey Students & Staff) are used to purchase these Student Smart cards.

U19s Tickets


Cheaper travel for under 19s

Young people get cheaper bus travel, saving on adult prices for single and return tickets, DayRiders and even 7 and 28 day MegaRiders in some areas.

Young People MTP


Cheaper travel for young people

In South Wales young people aged between 16 and 21 can get 1/3 off bus travel with 'mytravelpass'.

Multi Operator


Get more than a Stagecoach bus

You can buy MultiOperator tickets from Stagecoach. You’ll be able to use these tickets on Stagecoach buses, as well as on some buses run by other companies. In some areas these tickets are called SmartZone. Travel on more buses in your area, as often as you like in your chosen travel zone.

Day Rider


Unlimited travel for 1 day 

With a day ticket you can make as many journeys as you like in one day. Unlimited travel all day often offers better value than buying singles or returns, as you can travel on all buses within your chosen ticket zone. Buy your DayRider tickets on the Stagecoach Bus App! Or you can buy on board, with contactless payments now available on all our buses, you don't need to worry about finding the correct change.

Mega Rider


Travel for 7 days or more

With unlimited travel in your area, the more you travel, the more you save with a MegaRider! Our 7 and 28 day MegaRiders offer great everyday value. Buy your 7 day MegaRider on our app or onboard from your driver. You can buy 28 day tickets online and add them to your Smartcard or even set up a monthly recurring payment. These convenient cash-free options are the easiest way to buy!

Explorer Tickets


ExplorerTickets - travel as much as you like, all day long.

Stagecoach ExplorerTickets allow you to travel as many times as you like, all day long in certain areas.

Sight Seeing


SightSeeing tickets - Hop-on and Hop-off as much as you like

Hop-On and Hop-Off as much as you like at any of the bus stops on the route and see all the best sights and attractions your chosen town or city has to offer.

Bus &Boat

Bus and Boat

1 day bus travel plus a boat ride

The Lake District boasts the finest mountain views from the deck of a boat. Stagecoach have combined bus & boat tickets available for Coniston, Derwent Water, Ullswater and Windermere. For a perfectly relaxing journey, you can board one of the many steamers or launches on four of the area’s most outstanding lakes.

Smart Zone


Travel more to save more

You can buy your SmartZone ticket from Stagecoach. It allows unlimited bus travel in a specific ticket zone on Stagecoach buses and some buses run by other companies. SmartZone tickets are loaded to an electronic card and can be used for up to a week, four weeks or longer. Please note: SmartZone tickets are only available in Oxfordshire and South Tyneside for now - if you see an error message below, please change your location or choose another type of ticket such as MegaRider.

mega bus


Coach travel across the UK

Travel to over 90 intercity destinations across the UK with megabus. Enjoy your journey on comfortable, modern coaches which include seat reservation, extra leg room seating, free Wi-Fi, on board charging points and on board toilet. You’re even able to track your coach before and on your journey with the megabus coach tracker. Buy your great value tickets online at

Oxford Tube

Oxford Tube

Coaches between London & Oxford

Travel between Oxford and London or Hillingdon and London on the Oxford Tube. Choose from our wide range of tickets with durations that go from one week up to a full year. You can even choose tube tickets that include travel on local Stagecoach buses.