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Top Routes Card Game

01 Apr 2020

Top Routes 


Have time to spare? 


Why not play our fun new card game Top Routes!


Now we happen to love all our routes equally, but for the purposes of this game we rated a selection of our routes and given them scores for you to compete in the following categories:


  • Length
  • Bus 
  • Scenery
  • Frequency 
  • Locations 


We looked at the length of each route from end to end, with our longer routes getting a higher score. We’ve then looked at the bus that operates the route with larger and higher specification vehicles gaining top scores. We considered the glorious views you can see on your journey and given have the most picturesque routes the highest score. We’ve also rated routes that are the most frequent with a top score and finally the routes that connect key locations and interchanges, like hospitals and rail stations, gain a top score.


Don’t worry if your favourite route is not included we’ve added a couple of blank cards for you to fill in the details and give your own ratings. 


So download the cards here, cut them out and challenge your friends and family to a game of Top Routes!


We’ve had a lot of fun playing the game and think you will too! Why not send us a picture of your Top Routes Challenge on Twitter @StagecoachSW or use the hashtag #BusFun

Check out our 5 Activities To Keep The Kid's Happy At Home Blog  that has plenty more great ideas!