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Bus services in Oxfordshire over Easter

Easter service times

Visiting friends or family over the Easter break? Be sure to check our Easter service times before you travel.


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Stagecoach in Oxfordshire 

 Oxford Tube

 Good Friday - 10th April 2020

Saturday service on most routes with the following exceptions:

Sunday service on routes operating in and around Banbury: 200, 488,489, 500, 505 B3. B4, B5 ,B6, B9, and S4.  Extra journeys on service B5 from Bridge Street to provide a frequency of every 15 minutes between 0930 and 1700.

No service on routes 11, 15, 19, 26, 233 and S7

Sunday service
 Saturday - 11th April 2020 Normal Saturday service  Normal Saturday service
 Easter Sunday - 12th April 2020 Normal  Sunday service  Normal Sunday service
 Easter Monday - 13th April 2020  Sunday service  Sunday service 


All services return to normal on Tuesday 14th April 2020