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Go by bus to
Glos Quays

Go by bus to
Gloucester Quays


Get the bus to Gloucester Quays

Gloucester Quays truly is a great day out for the whole family - which is why your local bus service stops right outside.

Save yourself the hassle of finding a parking space and jump on board the bus. You can sit back and relax on the journey, plus there's no need to rush back to the car before your parking ticket runs out!

Our journey planner will help you to find your nearest bus stop and the quickest bus service to get you to Gloucester Quays.

Plan your bus journey to Gloucester Quays

Reasons to visit the Quays

  • Save up to 70% on fashion and accessories, stylish homeware, beauty, sports and outdoor wear at over 50 top brand and outlet stores.
  • Catch the latest releases with the choice of 10 screens at Cineworld.
  • Dine out in style or meet up with friends in one of many quayside bars and restaurants boasting iconic warehouse views.

Where is the nearest bus stop to Gloucester Quays?

These are the main stops outside of Gloucester Quays. For a full list of bus stops on your route, please plan your journey.

How much is the bus to Gloucester Quays? 

Find the price of your DayRider ticket on the Stagecoach Bus App below. These tickets will cover your return trip to Gloucester Quays, plus you can use them on other Stagecoach West bus services!

Please note, tickets on the app are cheaper so prices on bus may vary. 

Scroll table horizontally to view table content

 Ticket type


Under 19

Group (4 people)

Gloucester dayrider




Cheltenham & Gloucester dayrider




West Gold DayRider (outside of Cheltenham/Gloucester)




Fares correct as at January 2025. The prices quoted above are app fares, you'll pay a little more on the bus.

View your bus timetable 

Search for your bus timetable below to see where your nearest bus stop is and how frequent the service runs.

Not sure which bus service to use? Visit our journey planner to find out your quickest route to Gloucester Quays. 


Find a bus timetable