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Our services in Aberdare have got even better!

We have lots of services that run within the Rhondda Cynon Taf area, from Aberdare, Perthcelyn to in and around the Pontypridd area

Service 95 operates 6 days a week - handy for getting to hospital appointments, shopping in Asda and Aberdare town centre

Service 60 - operates 6 days a week - great for getting from the Cynon Valley to Pontypridd 

Service 61 - operates 7 days a week - early until late

Service 91 - Handy for getting to those streets up the top of the hill! Operates 6 days a week


To get a personalised plan of your journey with no fuss as well as times included, just click here.

Or you can download our Stagecoach Bus app which will also do that for you, but it's just from your phone instead! 


The best value tickets to get you from A to B

Whether you travel every day or every so often on our buses, we will make sure you have the best value ticket needed. We've listed a couple of the tickets available below, but you can use our ticket finder for the best value ticket too!

Aberdare DayRider

  • Adult: £7.00
  • Child/MTP*: £5.00

Aberdare 7 Day MegaRider

  • Adult: £2.57 a day**
  • Child/MTP*: £1.71 a day**

Aberdare Flexi5 Tickets (These are super handy to have if you don't travel often!) 

  • Adult: £28.00 (£5.60 per day)***
  • Child/MTP*: £20.00 (£4.00 per day)***

Where can I go in Aberdare?


Services 60/61 timetable - Valid from 17th November 2024

Service 91 timetable - Valid from 17th November 2024

Service 95 timetable - Valid from 1st September 2024

* MTP tickets - If you're 16-21, you'll get an even better discount with a mytravelpass card. For ticket prices for our Under 22 range please visit the Stagecoach App. 

** Based on a Aberdare Adult 7 Day MegaRider £18.00 divided by 7 days of travel

** Based on a Aberdare Child/MTP 7 Day MegaRider £12.00 divided by 7 days of travel

*** Flexi5 tickets - You get 5 DayRiders for the price of 4, a fantastic 20% saving and you can use them anytime in 12 months!