What is Route 19 bus service?
The route serves Ballingry, Lochgelly, Cowdenbeath, Halbeath P&R, Dunfermline and Rosyth.
How frequent is the 19 bus service?
Service 19 runs up to every 15 minutes Monday to Saturday and every 30 minutes on Sunday.
How much are ticketing on Route 19?
Our DayRider tickets offer unlimited travel for the day (until 4am the following morning) within your selected zone. Prices are in the table to the left.
Tickets available online, on the Stagecoach Bus App and can be purchased on the bus.
Our MegaRider tickets offer unlimited travel within your selected zone.
You can pick from 7 day’s or 4 week’s unlimited travel or if you’re a student, you can even get 13 week’s travel with a valid student ID. Prices are in the table to the left.
Your 7 day MegaRider ticket can be bought on the bus, online or on the Stagecoach Bus App, while your 4 week’s and 13 week’s travel can be bought online or on the Stagecoach Bus App.
Other Ticket types
If you find yourself buying DayRider regularly but not frequently enough to go for a MegaRider ticket then you may want to consider our Flexi 5 ticket, giving you 5 DayRider tickets for the price of 4. This is available for adults and Students on the Stagecoach Bus App.
Don’t forget your pass!
If you’re over 60 or under 22 in Scotland, you’re entitled to free bus travel. Find out more here.